I am a miracle made up of particles and in this existence I'll stay persistent and I'll make a difference and I will have lived it - Medicine for the People

Nerd Love for Today's Google Doodle

Friday, May 31, 2013

Today the Google Doodle is in honor of Julius Richard Petri and it's so cute (come on, spelling google by streaking an agar plate?? To a science nerd that's pretty adorable)! A friend told me to check it out and it made me happy that petri dishes made her think of me :) Also kind of made me miss working with my fungi and bacteria plates (kind of, can't quite work myself up to missing the smell). Anyway, take a look at Petri's wiki page and edumacate yourself if you are like me and don't really know too much about him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_Richard_Petri

ALSO HAPPY FRIDAY! I don't know about you but I am pretty excited for the awesome weather we're supposed to have this weekend. I need to get some beach time in before I shut myself up in my room to finish my application essays.


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