I am a miracle made up of particles and in this existence I'll stay persistent and I'll make a difference and I will have lived it - Medicine for the People

A Little Bit Of Positivity For Today

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm trying to be better about writing more and I thought I'd follow up yesterday's post with a bit of good news - I have my University of Vermont College of Medicine interview next week! 

After getting the news back from Rush that I didn't get in I was so upset it was hard to remember that I'm very lucky that I got an interview at all. Last year there were almost 8,000 verified applicants to the school. Out of that ridiculously high number only 372 were interviewed and 128 ultimately matriculated. It's easy to lose sight of the little triumphs in the face of disappointment but it's reassuring to know that this year, I at least was chosen out of thousands of other applicants to make it through to the interview round.

Now I'm focusing on what's to come rather than what's happened in the past. Not only do I get to go home and visit my wonderful family, I also get another chance to experience the interview process at a new school. I promise to write an update after I return and let you all know how it goes!

Green mountans, VT, Vermont, UVM
I've been missin' these mountains...


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