I am a miracle made up of particles and in this existence I'll stay persistent and I'll make a difference and I will have lived it - Medicine for the People

Poster for BWH Clinical Innovation Day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Here is my masterpiece! This little baby took a veeeerrryy long time to get it to look as pretty as it is now so I hope y'all appreciate!

The information presented can be confusing if you don't work with EHRs or in informatics currently so hopefully this brief summary helps. Basically, this was a multi-center project to evaluate the efficacy of the little alerts that pop up in electronic medical record systems when a physician is ordering drugs and there is an interaction. Most systems have interruptive alerts which require action from the user before they can proceed. These measures are implemented on most EMRs so that physician error can be reduced. You can't expect doctors to remember every drug their patient is allergic to or all the drugs that interact adversely so this information is logged in the system. The problem is that many physicians simply ignore the alerts because they get so many of them. Our job is to find an alert design that adheres to a set of guidelines that determine easy uptake by the user. For example, alerts that are color coded based on the level of danger are more useful than alerts that are all one color. This study evaluated alerts from 14 different systems and then ranked them based on how well they did and the result is this poster!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments! I always enjoy talking about my project (probably too much, actually. I must really bore people but oh well, they're learning something!).

HIT-CERT, BWH, Partners Healthcare, Research, Informatics, Medication Alerts


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