I am a miracle made up of particles and in this existence I'll stay persistent and I'll make a difference and I will have lived it - Medicine for the People

Some Advice From A Med Student

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Listen up everybody, I found something amazing. This podcast of an interview about the importance of mentors (and lots of other med school-related things) with Alexis Miesis, a second year student at Icahn School of Medicine is just brilliant and I was kind of floored by how relevant it was to my life. The discussion on learning from mistakes and taking the time to figure out what went wrong particularly resonated with me. I think this is something I’ve sometimes had a hard time with both during college and throughout my post-bac program and Alexis made the significant point that, in order to succeed in a class you struggled with or do better on the MCAT the second time around, you have to take the time to figure out why you were unsuccessful previously. Additionally, there's a lot of good advice on how to find a mentor who can be instrumental in your journey to medical school. I think the whole podcast is fantastic and highly recommend that you have a listen to it when you have some time. 


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