I am a miracle made up of particles and in this existence I'll stay persistent and I'll make a difference and I will have lived it - Medicine for the People

It's Not Over! Interview Season Continues

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

After getting into school shortly before I went home for Christmas I kind of assumed that I was done with the interviewing season and even considered skipping my interview at UIC. Luckily I decided I should go and check out what they had to offer.
Well, what do they say about the best laid plans? I actually loved UIC, they have amazing research opportunities and a lot of great global programs specifically designed for those who are interested in practicing medicine internationally. I left that day feeling really conflicted because now I had two programs I was legitimately interested in. Then the new year rolled in and with it came TWO additional interview invitations in one week. The first was from Dartmouth, without a question the highest ranked school that I applied to. After some deliberation I decided that I had to go. First of all, you can't exactly say no to an interview invite from an Ivy League school and secondly, they have an awesome program! Reach for the stars, right? Two days later I received an invite from the Tufts Maine Track Program which I ended up withdrawing from since I decided I'm not interested in practicing rural medicine in Maine (Vermont now, that's a totally different story!). I have no ties to Portland and the idea of having to switch locations in the middle of medical school was daunting.
So here I am, once again getting ready to attend an interview day but this time I'm feeling a lot more confident. I already have an acceptance in my pocket and that can do wonderful things to your stress levels. I'm super excited about Dartmouth and will update you all after interview day!


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